68 research outputs found


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    The ability to reproduce a parallel execution is desirable for debugging and program reliability purposes. In debugging (13), the programmer needs to manually step back in time, while for resilience (6) this is automatically performed by the the application upon failure. To be useful, replay has to faithfully reproduce the original execution. For parallel programs the main challenge is inferring and maintaining the order of conflicting operations (data races). Deterministic record and replay (R&R) techniques have been developed for multithreaded shared memory programs (5), as well as distributed memory programs (14). Our main interest is techniques for large scale scientific (3; 4) programming models

    QFAST: Conflating Search and Numerical Optimization for Scalable Quantum Circuit Synthesis

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    We present a quantum synthesis algorithm designed to produce short circuits and to scale well in practice. The main contribution is a novel representation of circuits able to encode placement and topology using generic "gates", which allows the QFAST algorithm to replace expensive searches over circuit structures with few steps of numerical optimization. When compared against optimal depth, search based state-of-the-art techniques, QFAST produces comparable results: 1.19x longer circuits up to four qubits, with an increase in compilation speed of 3.6x. In addition, QFAST scales up to seven qubits. When compared with the state-of-the-art "rule" based decomposition techniques in Qiskit, QFAST produces circuits shorter by up to two orders of magnitude (331x), albeit 5.6x slower. We also demonstrate the composability with other techniques and the tunability of our formulation in terms of circuit depth and running time

    Improving Quantum Circuit Synthesis with Machine Learning

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    In the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, finding implementations of quantum algorithms that minimize the number of expensive and error prone multi-qubit gates is vital to ensure computations produce meaningful outputs. Unitary synthesis, the process of finding a quantum circuit that implements some target unitary matrix, is able to solve this problem optimally in many cases. However, current bottom-up unitary synthesis algorithms are limited by their exponentially growing run times. We show how applying machine learning to unitary datasets permits drastic speedups for synthesis algorithms. This paper presents QSeed, a seeded synthesis algorithm that employs a learned model to quickly propose resource efficient circuit implementations of unitaries. QSeed maintains low gate counts and offers a speedup of 3.7×3.7\times in synthesis time over the state of the art for a 64 qubit modular exponentiation circuit, a core component in Shor's factoring algorithm. QSeed's performance improvements also generalize to families of circuits not seen during the training process.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Classical Optimizers for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Devices

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    We present a collection of optimizers tuned for usage on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Optimizers have a range of applications in quantum computing, including the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and Quantum Approximate Optimization (QAOA) algorithms. They are also used for calibration tasks, hyperparameter tuning, in machine learning, etc. We analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of different optimizers in a VQE case study. VQE is a hybrid algorithm, with a classical minimizer step driving the next evaluation on the quantum processor. While most results to date concentrated on tuning the quantum VQE circuit, we show that, in the presence of quantum noise, the classical minimizer step needs to be carefully chosen to obtain correct results. We explore state-of-the-art gradient-free optimizers capable of handling noisy, black-box, cost functions and stress-test them using a quantum circuit simulation environment with noise injection capabilities on individual gates. Our results indicate that specifically tuned optimizers are crucial to obtaining valid science results on NISQ hardware, and will likely remain necessary even for future fault tolerant circuits.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Scheduling Dynamic Parallelism On Accelerators

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    Resource management on accelerator based systems is complicated by the disjoint nature of the main CPU and accelerator, which involves separate memory hierarhcies, different degrees of parallelism, and relatively high cost of communicating between them. For applications with irregular parallelism, where work is dynamically created based on other computations, the accelerators may both consume and produce work. To maintain load balance, the accelerators hand work back to the CPU to be scheduled. In this paper we consider multiple approaches for such scheduling problems and use the Cell BE system to demonstrate the different schedulers and the trade-offs between them. Our evaluation is done with both microbenchmarks and two bioinformatics applications (PBPI and RAxML). Our baseline approach uses a standard Linux scheduler on the CPU, possibly with more than one process per CPU. We then consider the addition of cooperative scheduling to the Linux kernel and a user-level work-stealing approach. The two cooperative approaches are able to decrease SPE idle time, by 30 % and 70%, respectively, relative to the baseline scheduler. In both cases we believe the changes required to application level codes, e.g., a program written with MPI processes that use accelerator based compute nodes, is reasonable, although the kernel level approach provides more generality and ease of implementation, but often less performance than work stealing approach

    Maximizing Communication Overlap with Dynamic Program Analysis

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    International audienceWe present a dynamic program analysis approach to optimize communication overlap in scientific applications. Our tool instruments the code to generate a trace of the application's memory and synchronization behavior. An offline analysis determines the program optimal points for maximal overlap when considering several programming constructs: nonblocking one-sided communication operations, non-blocking collectives and bespoke synchronization patterns and operations. Feedback about possible transformations is presented to the user and the tool can perform the directed transformations, which are supported by a lightweight runtime. The value of our approach comes from: 1) the ability to optimize across boundaries of software modules or libraries, while specializing for the intrinsics of the underlying communication runtime; and 2) providing upper bounds on the expected performance improvements after communication optimizations. We have reduced the time spent in communication by as much as 64% for several applications that were already aggressively optimized for overlap; this indicates that manual optimizations leave untapped performance. Although demonstrated mainly for the UPC programming language, the methodology can be easily adapted to any other communication and synchronization API

    SlimFit: Memory-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Transformer-based Models Using Training Dynamics

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    Transformer-based models, such as BERT and ViT, have achieved state-of-the-art results across different natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) tasks. However, these models are extremely memory intensive during their fine-tuning process, making them difficult to deploy on GPUs with limited memory resources. To address this issue, we introduce a new tool called SlimFit that reduces the memory requirements of these models by dynamically analyzing their training dynamics and freezing less-contributory layers during fine-tuning. The layers to freeze are chosen using a runtime inter-layer scheduling algorithm. SlimFit adopts quantization and pruning for particular layers to balance the load of dynamic activations and to minimize the memory footprint of static activations, where static activations refer to those that cannot be discarded regardless of freezing. This allows SlimFit to freeze up to 95% of layers and reduce the overall on-device GPU memory usage of transformer-based models such as ViT and BERT by an average of 2.2x, across different NLP and CV benchmarks/datasets such as GLUE, SQuAD 2.0, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet with an average degradation of 0.2% in accuracy. For such NLP and CV tasks, SlimFit can reduce up to 3.1x the total on-device memory usage with an accuracy degradation of only up to 0.4%. As a result, while fine-tuning of ViT on ImageNet and BERT on SQuAD 2.0 with a batch size of 128 requires 3 and 2 32GB GPUs respectively, SlimFit enables their fine-tuning on a single 32GB GPU without any significant accuracy degradation
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